Fig. 3. NGMs significantly differ in CD4+ cell differentiation.
Dendritic cells and autologously purified naïve CD4+ cells from serum of two healthy adult donors (biological replicates), were incubated with sterile fecal water from NGM1 (n = 7; three biological replicates per sample) or NGM3 (n = 5; three biological replicates per sample) participants. NGM3 induced significantly increased (a) proportions of CD4+IL–4+ (LME, P < 0.001; center line represents mean) and (b) expression of IL–4 (LME; P = 0.045). (c) Both NGMs expressed significantly increased proportions of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells (LME; P < 0.001 for NGM1 and P = 0.017 for NGM3) compared to control. (d) Weighted correlation network analysis identified a metabolic module that differentiated NGM3 from NGM 2 and NGM1 participants (n = 28; ANOVA; P = 0.038). Boxplots define the 25th and 75th percentiles, median represented by centerline. IQR (75th–25th percentile) represented by whiskers. (e) Scatterplot of metabolite significance versus module membership (MM) of the 12 metabolites in the NGM3 discriminating metabolic module. Metabolites with a value of P < 0.05, significantly discriminate NGM3 from other NGMs. MM value indicates the degree of inter-connectedness of a specific metabolite to other metabolites in the module (higher MM value indicates greater inter-connectedness). (f) Using the same ex vivo assay as performed in 3a–c, 12, 13 DiHOME significantly reduced the proportion of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells at three different concentrations (LME; P = 0.04, P < 0.001, P = 0.001 for concentrations of 75, 130 and 200 μM respectively).