Fig. 5. Labeled HSCs provide a major contribution to all lineage-committed progenitors.
A–B. The fraction of labeled Tom+ cells in lineage-committed progenitors from Pdzk1ip1-CreER R26Tom/Tom reporter mice. Cell populations in the BM and thymus were defined as shown in Fig. S5A. Shown are the median (bars) and values from individual animals (circles) at the indicated time points after tamoxifen treatment in the BM (panel A) and thymus (panel B). The median fractions of Tom+ HSCs at the respective time points are indicated by dashed lines.
C. The fraction of labeled Tom+ cells in myeloid progenitors and granulocytes (Grans) from Pdzk1ip1-CreER R26Tom/Tom reporter mice analyzed by serial BM biopsy. Shown is the fraction of Tom+ cells in the same animals over time (median ± interquartile range, n= 5).
D. A linear model of granulopoiesis based on serial BM biopsy data. Estimated values of differentiation and regeneration for each population are shown in the units of cells per week. Each population is shown by a circle with an area proportional to the number of cells, the width of each differentiation arrow (linear, blue) is proportional to the differentiation rate, the width of the regeneration arrow (circular, purple) is proportional to the regeneration rate, except the rates for MyPs that are ~100 times fold higher that for other populations.
See also Fig. S5.