Fig. 1.
Color image shows the integrated emission (in K km s−1) of the CO+ line, with the original (11″, Panel A) and smoothed (16″, Panel B to D) angular resolution. In Panels A to D, the gray contour levels range from 40% to 100%, in steps of 10% of the intensity peak, where the lower contour level corresponds to a S/N= 5σ. The yellow contour indicates the 3σ emission. The blue squares indicate the IF and MP2 positions, where IF corresponds to α(J2000)= 06h07m46.2s, δ(J2000)= −06°23′08.3″. Panel A shows the H13CO+ (3–2) emission (black contours) tracing the molecular gas (Treviño-Morales et al. 2014). Panel B shows the [NeII] emission (red contours) tracing the HII region and the emission of the H2 S(3) rotational line at 9.7 µm (black contours). Black contours in Panel C show the PAHs (11.3 µm) emission. Panel D shows the [CII] emission at 158 µm (black contours, Pilleri et al. 2014). The Spitzer data are explained in Berné et al. (2009).