Figure 4.
Protective effect of Cur/SLNs-HU-211 (0.2 μM) against CORT-induced damage in PC12 cells.
Notes: Cells viability was determined by MTT assay (A) and DA release from PC12 cells (B). The results are expressed as mean ± SD. For statistical significance, aP<0.05 as compared to PBS group; bP<0.05 as compared to HU-211 group; cP<0.05 as compared to Cur group; and dP<0.05 as compared to Cur/SLNs group (one-way ANOVA).
Abbreviations: Cur, curcumin; Cur/SLNs, Cur-loaded SLNs; Cur/SLNs-HU-211, curcumin and HU-211 coencapsulated solid lipid nanoparticles; CORT, corticosterone; DA, dopamine; SD, standard deviation; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; ANOVA, analysis of variance.