Table 1.
Interview question guides with follow‐up probes
SME interviews | Group interviews |
How do teamwork behaviors impact patient outcomes?
Think back to your recent visit to the ED
Your general impression about the ED workers as a team?
What teamwork behaviors patients may be aware of?
What other interactions or behaviors did you see between the people who worked in the ED that took care of you?
Of the teamwork‐related behaviors patients may see, which ones could patients be the best source of information about?
How would you describe the way people worked together in the ED to a friend or family member?
Do you see any connections between teamwork behaviors patients may observe and domains of teamwork?
Of all the things we discussed about interactions between workers that you saw during your visit to the ED, which one is most important to you?
Do you see any of these patient‐observed teamwork behaviors reflected in AHRQ TeamSTEPPS
® curriculum?
Summarize the Discussion: key questions and big ideas that emerged
Other tools that you know of to measure patient perception of teamwork‐related behaviors? | Is there anything that we should have talked about but didn't? |