Table 1. Neurobiological roles of species-specific expressed orthologous genes.
Gene symbol | Description | Expression a | Physiological processes b | Diseases c |
COX5B | cytochrome c oxidase subunit Vb | Human PFC | 1. reactive oxygen species 2. production resilience to stress 3. antioxidant defense |
1. MS 2. SBMA 3. AD 4. PD |
WIF1 | WNT inhibitory factor 1 | Human STR | 1. tumor suppressor 2. myelination process 3. hippocampal development |
1. astrocytomas 2. glioblastoma 3. neuroblastoma 4. dementia |
SLC4A10 | solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate | Mouse PFC | 1. CSF secretion 2. neuronal excitability |
1. AD 2. Epilepsy 3. Autism 4. MDD |
Mouse HIP | ||||
Mouse STR | ||||
PLA2G7 | Phospholipase A2 group VII | Mouse HIP | 1. phospholipid metabolism | 1. Schizophrenia 2. child autism |
a The species and brain regions that the identified orthologous genes are highly expressed in.
b The relevant physiological processes that the species-specific expressed orthologous genes are involved in.
c The associated diseases caused by the dysfunctions of the corresponding species-specific genes.
Abbreviations: PFC = prefrontal cortex; HIP = hippocampus; STR = striatum; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; MS = multiple sclerosis; SBMA = spinobulbar muscular atrophy; AD = Alzheimer’s disease; PD = Parkinson’s disease.