(A) Circos plots of assembled contigs generated from NGS reads of the CNT-STEM–enriched IBDV samples. Track 1 (outermost), scale mark; track 2, iSNV; track 3, variants comparing to OH strain (U30818) (b); track 4, coverage (black) on scale of 0 to 2625 reads; track 5, de novo assembled contigs after CNT-STEM enrichment (gray); track 6, open reading frames (green); color coding in tracks 2 and 3: deletion (black), transition (A-G, fluorescent green; G-A, dark green; C-T, dark red; T-C, light red), and transversion (A-C, brown; C-A, purple; A-T, dark blue; T-A, fluorescent blue; G-T, dark orange; T-G, violet; C-G, yellow; G-C, light violet). (B) Phylogenetic tree plots generated by comparing the open reading frames VP2/VP3/VP4 (i) and VP1 (ii) of IBDV/turkey/PA/00924/14 (highlighted in red) to previously reported IBDVs.