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. 2016 Oct 7;198(21):2975–2984. doi: 10.1128/JB.00213-16

FIG 5.


pBS32-dependent cell lysis does not release particles capable of killing cells in trans. (A) Growth curve by OD600 of a culture mixed at T0 with 10 parts “donor” (DK1634 [ΔSPβ ΔPBSX amyE::Physpank-wkRBSsigD Specr]) cells to 1 part “recipient” (DK4162 [ΔpBS32 amyE::Km]) cells in LB medium at 37°C. (B) Growth curve of CFU by dilution plating on LB containing spectinomycin (to permit growth of the donor cells) and separately on LB containing kanamycin (to permit growth of the recipient cells) taken in parallel with the optical density measurements as described for panel A. (C and D) Optical density and CFU measurements, respectively, of the same strains used to generate data in panels A and B, mixed at the same ratio as for data in panels A and B, but inoculated into LB medium containing 1 mM IPTG (to induce zpdN expression in the donor) at 37°C.