Table 1.
Population, health, and development indicators for Uganda
Characteristics | |
Population indicators | |
Total population, millions (2013) | 37.6 |
Physicians per 10,000 people | 1,2 |
Life expectancy at birth (2013) | 59.2 |
Health indicators | |
Total fertility rate | 5.9 |
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) | 310 |
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) | 45 |
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) | 69 |
Immunization coverage, measles (% of 1 year olds) | 82 |
Stunting under-five children (%) | 33.4% |
HIV prevalence females (% of 15–24-year olds) | 4% |
HIV prevalence males (% of 15–24-year olds) | 2.3% |
Development indicators | |
GDP per capita (PPP $2005) | 1,334 |
People living below PPP $1.25 a day (%) | 38.01% |
Health expenditure as % of GDP | 9.5% |
Human development index (HDI) | 0.485 |
Income Gini coefficient | 44.3 |
Adult literacy rate (15 years and above) (%) | 73.2% |
Source: From UNDP (18).