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. 2016 Jul 28;9:10.3402/gha.v9.30578. doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.30578

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of the study population in Uganda

Intervention Control
Categorical data
 Eligible mother–infant pairs 396 369
 Marital status 392 366
  Married 244 (62%) 234 (64%)
  Cohabiting 119 (30%) 104 (28%)
  Single, widowed, separated, or divorced 29 (7%) 28 (8%)
 Socioeconomic-status quintile 396 369
  1 (poorest) 91 (23%) 62 (17%)
  2 97 (24%) 86 (23%)
  3 76 (19%) 49 (13%)
  4 71 (18%) 84 (23%)
  5 (least poor) 61 (15%) 88 (24%)
 Electricity in the house 391 361
  Yes 53 (14%) 70 (19%)
 Water source 392 363
  Surface water and other 136 (35%) 97 (27%)
  Borehole or tap 244 (62%) 246 (68%)
  Piped yard or home 12 (3%) 20 (6%)
 Toilet 339 328
  None or open 84 (25%) 59 (18%)
  Pit or ventilated improved pit 245 (72%) 266 (81%)
  Flush 10 (3%) 3 (<1%)
 Parity 392 366
  Primipara 81 (21%) 85 (23%)
  Multipara 311 (79%) 281 (77%)
 Previous child death 307 277
  Yes 109 (36%) 80 (29%)
 Attendance at an antenatal clinic (index child) 376 352
  Yes 272 (72%) 274 (78%)
 Place of birth (index child) 381 351
  Out of facility 208 (55%) 146 (42%)
  Facility 173 (45%) 205 (58%)
Continuous data
 Maternal age 394 368
  Years 25 (20–30) 24 (20–30)
 Maternal education 391 365
  Years 6 (4–8) 6 (5–9)
 Maternal body mass index 343 312
  6 weeks postpartum (kg/m2) 22 (20–24) 22 (20–24)
 Monthly income 116 121
  2007 euros 14 (5–28) 10 (5–23)

Data are number, number (%), or median (IQR).

Source: From Tylleskar et al. (19).