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. 2016 Sep 16;113(40):11172–11177. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1524982113

Table S2.

Brain regions more active for math than sentences

Brain region x y z Peak t mm2 Pcluster
 Left superior parietal lobule −17 −70 45 8.25 3,268.82 0.0002
 Left precuneus −6 −72 50 7.95
 Left supramarginal gyrus −54 −39 47 6.82
 Left postcentral sulcus −35 −44 42 6.36
 Left intraparietal sulcus −28 −64 43 5.87
 Left superior parietal lobule −15 −58 60 5.47
 Left middle frontal gyrus −39 50 9 7.71 1,376.01 0.008
 Left transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci −21 59 −3 6.78
 Left middle frontal gyrus −45 31 29 6.56
 Left superior frontal sulcus −22 3 50 7.96 932.94 0.0172
 Left superior precentral sulcus −34 −8 46 4.1
 Left pericallosal sulcus −2 −30 27 6.47 792.97 0.021
 Left marginal branch of cingulate sulcus −11 −41 45 5.93
 Left middle-anterior cingulate gyrus and sulcus −8 5 48 5.9 487.78 0.0426
 Left superior frontal gyrus −7 31 31 5.58
 Right intraparietal sulcus 24 −60 50 7.89 1,585.75 0.0084
 Right precuneus 5 −61 56 7.82
 Right superior occipital gyrus 23 −75 44 7.09
 Right superior parietal lobule 24 −59 61 5.87
 Right middle occipital sulcus 33 −82 9 6.4 1,206.92 0.012
 Right middle occipital gyrus 40 −83 22 5.76
 Right occipital pole 24 −98 8 5.52
 Right superior occipital sulcus 26 −83 16 5.29
 Right inferior frontal sulcus 43 33 20 7.27 1,124.94 0.0128
 Right middle frontal gyrus 38 27 39 7.12
 Right superior frontal sulcus 26 34 34 5.25
 Right supramarginal gyrus 59 −25 36 4.79
 Right middle frontal sulcus 27 49 3 4.57
 Right middle frontal gyrus 35 4 55 8.39 829.84 0.018
 Right superior frontal gyrus 23 3 66 5.45
 Right posterior cingulate gyrus and sulcus 3 3 34 8.35 517.48 0.0316
 Right pericallosal sulcus 5 −15 30 4.04
 Right marginal branch of cingulate sulcus 7 −41 44 6.89 439.95 0.0418
 Right medial occipitotemporal sulcus 32 −43 −15 5.84 393.22 0.0488
 Left intraparietal sulcus −34 −46 42 7.9 2,574.59 0.0016
 Left angular gyrus −29 −69 41 7.62
 Left superior parietal lobule −13 −61 61 5.99
 Left marginal branch of cingulate sulcus −16 −37 41 10.86 1,014.38 0.0086
 Left posterior-dorsal cingulate gyrus −3 −25 33 4.75
 Left pericallosal sulcus −2 −28 27 4.11
 Right marginal branch of cingulate sulcus 13 −28 38 7.48 2,090.13 0.0014
 Right superior parietal lobule 16 −75 45 5.99
 Right middle occipital gyrus 40 −80 30 5.98
 Right superior parietal lobule 17 −63 63 5.93
 Right precuneus 8 −54 59 5.23
 Right intraparietal sulcus 36 −46 36 5.96 907.48 0.008
 Right supramarginal gyrus 58 −36 44 4.96
 Right superior precentral sulcus 31 −4 46 4.92 432.29 0.0402
 Right superior frontal gyrus 18 14 62 4.61
Blind > sighted
 Left middle occipital sulcus −25 −95 1 5.08 508.99 0.0282
 Left medial occipitotemporal sulcus −29 −55 −12 4.84 399.62 0.0474
 Right middle occipital sulcus 33 −82 9 6.38 962.39 0.0064
 Right superior occipital sulcus 27 −84 15 5.19
 Right occipital pole 24 −98 8 5.08
 Right medial occipitotemporal sulcus 32 −45 −14 5.56 574.51 0.0194

Peaks of brain regions active more for math than language (P < 0.05, cluster corrected; P < 0.01 cluster-forming threshold; 10 mm minimum distance between peaks). Coordinates reported in MNI space. Peak t: t values corresponding to local maxima; mm2: area occupied by cluster on cortical surface; Pcluster: P value for entire cluster.