Figure 3.
(a) Thermal properties of the Octet bi-materials and benchmark concepts (S-concept9 and H-concept32) plotted with respect to the normalized skew angle, θNormalized. Shown in bracket below each pictorial, θNormalized is calculated as θNormalized = (θModel − θmin)/(θmax − θmin), where θModel is the skew angle of a concept, and θmin and θmax are respectively the minimum and maximum skew angle that a concept can provide without its cell topology degenerates. (b) Histogram showing the CTE tunability (∆CTE) as well as the max and min CTE for the selected concepts compared to a low CTE solid material, i.e. Ti-6Al-4V. (c) Effective stiffness and (d) effective strength plotted with respect to relative density ρ*. Note ρ* = ρlattice/ρsolid composite where ρlattice is the actual density of the bi-material unit cell and ρsolid composite is the density of the solid bi-material with volume fraction of the constituent materials. Note that the maximum relative density of the Iso-CTE Octet does not reach 0.3; it is 0.2 for θI = 50°, and 0.25 for θI = 60°, because above these values the size of the joints become unfeasibly larger than the cell members, which means that the cell is unfeasible.