Figure 5. Neuroanatomical differences between LM and tgDISC1 rats assessed through TBM.
Maps of voxel-wise local volumetric changes expressed as the delta log scaled jacobian determinant (Δlog J) in male tgDISC1 rats (n = 21) compared to LM (NC; n = 24) at 6 months of age. Images are presented as either (A) global volume change (6 dof), or (B) absolute changes corrected for global changes (9 dof). Colour scales are for volume difference (cyan/blue to red/yellow) and the raw t statistical value at each voxel (dark to light green). Data shown are raw values of Δlog J and their associated t-statistic at each voxel and following statistical comparisons at both p < 0.05 uncorrected and following corrections for multiple comparisons (FDR = q < 0.1).