Figure 2. N–O bond cleavage in the native chemical ligation product KAKUb(aux)I.
(a) ESI-MS spectrum of the final ligation product of ubiquitin(1–75)-α-thioester with KAKauxI. Calculated for KAKUb(aux)I, 9,081.1 Da. Observed KAKUbI, 9,004.8±2.7 Da. (b) Time-course of N–O bond cleavage and KAKUbI formation from the auxiliary-containing test substrate KAKUb(aux)I in a buffer consisting of 200 mM MPAA, 100 mM NaH2PO4 at pH 7.3 under the indicated conditions. Error bars represent the s.d. from three independent measurements.