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. 2016 Oct 10;11(10):e0164456. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164456

Table 2. Experiments and associated varieties implemented in Los Baños (LB) and Nueva Ecija (NE), Philippines, during the dry seasons of 2011 (2011-DS), 2012 (2012-DS), 2013 (2013-DS) and wet season of 2013 (2013-WS).

RF indicates switching from continuously flooded to rainfed condition after panicle initiation while CF indicates continuously flooded throughout the season. The datasets were marked for calibration (C) and evaluation (E).

Variety Experiments
2011-DS-RF 2011-DS-CF 2012-DS-RF 2012-DS-CF 2013-DS-CF 2013-WS-CF
GSR IR1-1-Y4-Y1 C E
GSR IR1-5-S8-D3-SUB1 C E
GSR IR1-5-S10-D1-D1 E C C E
GSR IR1-5-S14-Sl2-Y2 C E
GSR IR1-8-S6-S3-Y2 C E
GSR IR1-8-S12-Y2-D1 E C C E
GSR IR1-12-D10-S1-D1 E C C E
IR-74371-70-1-1 E C C E
NSICRc158 C C C(LB), E(NE) E(LB, NE)
PSBRc82 E C C E C(LB), E(NE) E(LB, NE)