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. 2016 Jan 28;32(4):475–510. doi: 10.1007/s10680-015-9366-9

Table 1.

List of variables used for ICWFR construction

Component Variable name Description (orientation towards ICWFR) Time period Source
Family policies dimension
 Childcare services CHHOURS_03 Average number of hours spent in formal childcare by children below three (children with or without formal childcare are taken into regard in the denominator—[ilc_camnforg0]) (positive) 2009 EU-SILC data available online in Eurostat
CHHOURS_35 Average number of hours spent in formal childcare by children aged three to compulsory school age (children with or without formal childcare are taken into regard in the denominator [ilc_camnforg0]) (positive) 2009 EU-SILC data available online in Eurostat
CHHOURS_6+ Average number of hours spent in formal childcare by children in compulsory school age (children with or without formal childcare are taken into regard in the denominator [ilc_camnforg0]) (positive) 2009 EU-SILC data available online in Eurostat
CHQUALITY Children-to-staff ratio in childcare institutions (positive) 2008/2009 OECD Family Policy Database/Plantenga and Remery (2009)
CHCOST % out-of-pocket expenses on childcare and the net income of dual-earner family with each partner earning the average salary in the national economy (negative) 2008 OECD Tax and Benefits Database
 Childcare leaves MLEAVE Maternity and parental leave available for mothers in the first year after birth in full-time equivalents (i.e. leave duration in the first year after birth multiplied by the income replacement rate of the respective leave benefit) (positive)a 2009 Multilinks supplemented with information from Moss (2009)
FLEAVE Paternity and parental leave reserved for fathers in full-time equivalents (positive) 2009 Multilinks supplemented with information from Moss (2009)
SLEAVE Sick-child leave in full-time equivalents per parent (positive) 2009 Council of Europe Family Policy Database
Labour market structures dimension
 Flexibility of working hours FWSCHED % employees with flexible work arrangements (i.e. employees who could determine their own work schedule or worked in companies with working time banking or companies with daily fixed number of working hours but flexibility as to their use during the day) among women aged 25–49 [lfso_l0fvar] (positive) 2010 Ad hoc module to Labour Force Survey in 2010, data available online in Euro stat
PART_AVAILABILITY Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment of women aged 25–49 (%) [lfsi_emp_a] (positive) 2009 Labour Force Survey data available online in Euro stat
PART_QUALITY Ratio of hourly wages in part-time to full-time employment, women aged 25–49 (positive) 2009 Authors’ own computations based on the EU-SILC data
 Barriers to labour market entry EPL Indicator of overall employment protection legislation for regular contracts EPR_vl (negative) 2009 Avdagic (2012) for post-socialist countries of Europe, OECD (2013) for remaining countries
Gender norm dimension
 Components to be extracted at the stage of exploration and verification of the data structure GN1 % of people who agree or strongly agree with the statement that a working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her child as a mother who does not work [VI59] (positive) 2008 European Value Study
GN2 % of people who disagree or strongly disagree with the statement that a preschool child is likely to suffer if his or her mother works [VI60] (positive) 2008 European Value Survey
GN3 % of people who disagree or strongly disagree with the statement that a job is all right, but what most women really want is a home and children [VI61] (positive) 2008 European Value Survey
GN4 % of people who agree or strongly agree with the statement that, in general, fathers are as well suited to look after their children as mothers [VI65] (positive) 2008 European Value Survey
GN5 % of people who agree or strongly agree with the statement that men should take as much responsibility as women for the home and children [VI66] (positive) 2008 European Value Survey

aThe part of the parental leave reserved for fathers is not included