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. 2016 Oct 10;8:32. doi: 10.1186/s13102-016-0057-6

Table 3.

Static and dynamic postural control results

Parameter Initial test Pre-training Post-training
Static Postural Control
 EO SPL (mm) 2204.91 ± 549.52 2386.37 ± 674.90 2371.99 ± 477.80
 EO Vel (mm/s) 44.10 ± 10.99 47.73 ± 13.50 47.44 ± 9.56
 EO 100 % (mm2) 637.24 ± 346.77 1013.38 ± 948.25 572.47 ± 236.06
 EC SPL (mm) 2474.62 ± 532.99 2601.18 ± 738.19 2600.05 ± 385.28
 EC Vel (mm/s) 49.49 ± 10.66 52.02 ± 14.76 52.00 ± 7.70
 EC 100 % (mm2) 1209.51 ± 460.81 1160.77 ± 467.17 1282.42 ± 781.40
Dynamic Postural Control
 EOAP SPL (mm) 1215.47 ± 238.58 1266.98 ± 344.81 1271.89 ± 180.44
 EOAP Vel (mm/s) 48.62 ± 9.54 50.68 ± 13.79 50.88 ± 7.22
 EOAP 100 % (mm2) 815.24 ± 307.75 986.78 ± 385.58 823.74 ± 268.32
 ECAP SPL (mm) 1961.72 ± 463.10 2060.71 ± 623.97 1914.60 ± 468.95
 ECAP Vel (mm/s) 78.47 ± 18.52 82.43 ± 24.96 76.58 ± 18.76
 ECAP 100 % (mm2) 4360.57 ± 2660.85 4508.89 ± 2556.87 4774.32 ± 3515.18
 EOML SPL (mm) 1325.47 ± 274.27 1374.11 ± 381.81 1352.98 ± 166.99
 EOML Vel (mm/s) 53.02 ± 10.97 54.97 ± 15.27 54.12 ± 6.68
 EOML 100 % (mm2) 952.56 ± 521.14 1175.98 ± 517.55 988.34 ± 687.01
 ECML SPL (mm) 2282.17 ± 774.32 2271.02 ± 835.68 2137.33 ± 579.63
 ECML Vel (mm/s) 91.29 ± 31.05 90.84 ± 33.43 85.49 ± 23.19
 ECML 100 % (mm2) 5757.19 ± 4831.81 6071.60 ± 5639.39 4978.82 ± 2524.22

where EO eyes open, EC eyes closed, AP anterior posterior instability, ML medial lateral instability, SPL sway path length, Vel velocity of sway Results are expressed as mean ± SD