Figure 6.
Sal B counteracts Dex-induced decrease of skull mineralization in AB strain larval zebrafish. (A) Dorsal view of skull stained by alizarin red in AB strain larval zebrafish at 9 dpf exposed to Dex (10 μmol/L) in the presence or absence of Sal B for 6 d; (B) The effect of Sal B on skull mineralization area analyzed by IPP6.0 in 9 dpf zebrafish exposed to Dex; (C) The effect of Sal B on skull mineralization IOD analyzed by IPP6.0 in 9 dpf zebrafish exposed to Dex. Notes: IPP6.0 (Image-Pro Plus image analysis software version 6.0); IOD (integral optical density); Veh (vehicle control, 0.1% dimethyl sulphoxide); Dex (Dex 10 μmol/L); D+R (Dex+Rocalirol 6×10−6 μg/mL); D+S0.2 (Dex+Sal B 0.2 μmol/L); D+S0.5 (Dex+Sal B 0.5 μmol/L); D+S1 (Dex+Sal B 1 μmol/L); D+S2 (Dex+Sal 2 μmol/L); D+S4 (Dex+Sal B 4 μmol/L); D+S10 (Dex+Sal B 10 μmol/L). Date are given as mean±SD. n≥9. *P<0.05 vs vehicle control. #P<0.05 vs Dex treatment.