Figure 2.
Astrocyte GABABR activation recruits Gi/o protein and IP3 intracellular cascade. (A) Ca2+ signal changes from three representative astrocytes in response to BAC in control conditions (WT), after Gi/o protein block by PerTx (WT‐PerTx) and in transgenic mice lacking astrocytic inositol‐1,4,5‐trisphosphate (IP3R2−/−) signaling. As a control, we used DHPG that evoked Ca2+ increases in slices from WT, but not in IP3R2−/− mice (scale bars: 50% ΔF/F0, 50 s). (B) Histograms showing the percentage of active astrocytes and the frequency of Ca2+ events per minute upon BAC applications, both in presence and in absence of PerTx (54 astrocytes in control conditions vs. 53 astrocytes treated with PerTx; 5 experiments; CTRL: for percentage P = 0.00012, for frequency P = 1.19 e−7, PerTX: for percentage P = 0.931, for frequency P = 0.185) and in IP3R2−/− mice (90 astrocytes, 7 experiments; for percentage P = 0.337, for frequency P = 1). In presence of PerTx, BAC failed to evoke astrocytic Ca2+ elevations.