Table 10.
List of highly cited articles on FGM/C (1930 – 2015)
SCRa | Authors | Title | Source title | Number of citations |
1st | Banks, E. [49] | “Female genital mutilation and obstetric outcome: WHO collaborative prospective study in six African countries” | Lancet | 221 |
2nd | Toubia N. [50] | “Female circumcision as a public health issue” | New England Journal of Medicine | 180 |
3rd | Morison L. [51] | “The long-term reproductive health consequences of female genital cutting in rural Gambia: A community-based survey” | Tropical Medicine and International Health | 87 |
4th | Dirie M.A., Lindmark G. [52] | “The risk of medical complications after female circumcision” | East African Medical Journal | 87 |
5th | Shell-Duncan B. [53] | “The medicalization of female 'circumcision': Harm reduction or promotion of a dangerous practice?” | Social Science and Medicine | 85 |
6th | Obermeyer C.M.[54] | “The consequences of female circumcision for health and sexuality: An update on the evidence” | Culture, Health and Sexuality | 76 |
7th | Chalmers B., Hashi K.O. [55] | “432 Somali women's birth experiences in Canada after earlier female genital mutilation” | Birth | 74 |
8th | De Silva S. [56] | “Obstetric sequelae of female circumcision” | European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology | 73 |
9th | Jones H. [57] | “Female genital cutting practices in Burkina Faso and Mali and their negative health outcomes” | Studies in Family Planning | 67 |
10th | Behrendt A., Moritz S. [58] | “Posttraumatic stress disorder and memory problems after female genital mutilation” | American Journal of Psychiatry | 64 |
FGM/C female genital mutilation/cutting
a SCR standard competition ranking. Equal countries were given the same ranking number, and then a gap is left in the ranking numbers