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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Oct 11.
Published in final edited form as: Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Jun 29;63(7):966–975. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciw442

Table 1.

Demographics, Qualifications and Experience, and Care Delivery Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Care Providers at All HIV Healthcare Facilities and at Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program–Funded Facilities and Private Practices (N = 1234)—Medical Monitoring Project, 2013–2014 Provider Survey

Characteristic All Providers (N = 1234)
Providers at RWHAP-Fundeda Facilities (n = 723)
Providers in Private Practicea (n = 211)
Rao-Scott χ2 P Value Comparing Columns B and C
Column A
Column B
Column C
No. Weighted %b (95% CI) No. Weighted %b,c (95% CI) No. Weighted %b (95% CI)

 Age, y .44
  <40 211 17.5 (12.9–22.2) 132 19.5 (14.4–24.5) 29 12.7 (5.3–20)
  40–49 326 24.0 (21.2–26.8) 192 23.9 (20.3–27.5) 56 25.7 (17.5–33.9)
  50–59 453 38.4 (32.3–44.6) 284 40.6 (34.6–46.6) 76 41.8 (30.3–53.3)
  ≥60 204 20.1 (14.8–25.3) 96 16.0 (10–21.9) 42 19.9 (9.6–30.1)

 Sex .006
  Male 620 56.5 (49.6–63.5) 314 44.7 (37.8–51.6) 143 68.2 (53.4–83)
  Female 585 43.5 (36.5–50.4) 397 55.3 (48.4–62.2) 61 31.8 (17–46.6)

 Race/Ethnicity .80
  White 783 62.9 (55.8–70.0) 438 60.7 (48.2–73.2) 145 61.6 (50–73.2)
  Black/African American 89 10.8d (3.8–17.7) 65 12.0 (6.8–17.2) 10 12.4d (0–27.3)
  Hispanic 158 10.7d (3.5–17.8) 111 12.6d (0–25.5) 14 7.3d (1.0–13.6)
  Other 179 15.6 (10.7–20.6) 102 14.7 (9.3–20.1) 37 18.7 (10.3–27.1)

 Sexual orientation .67
  Heterosexual 980 85.1 (81.0–89.2) 580 83.0 (78.9–87.1) 144 80.8 (71.7–89.9)
  Gay, lesbian, or bisexual 211 14.9 (10.8–19.0) 123 17.0 (12.9–21.1) 59 19.2 (10.1–28.3)

Qualifications and experience

 Certification type .0002
  Infectious diseases board-certified physiciane 564 44.5 (37.3–51.7) 289 33.6 (24.9–42.3) 108 53.1 (37.2–69)
  Other board-certified physician 319 30.0 (22.8–37.3) 173 25.7 (19.9–31.4) 71 34.2 (19.1–49.2)
  Non-board-certified physician 61 4.8 (2.2–7.4) 44 7.2d (.7–13.8) 5 1.3d (0–2.6)
  Nurse practitioner 217 15.2 (10.3–20.1) 169 25.6 (17.8–33.4) 11 5.5d (1.7–9.3)
  Physician assistant 63 5.4 (2.6–8.2) 42 7.9d (2.1–13.7) 13 5.9d (0–12.5)

 Physician board certification .06
  Infectious diseases 564 59.7 (51.1–68.3) 289 56.7 (47.3–66) 108 60.9 (43.7–78)
  Internal medicine 164 20.0 (15.2–24.9) 88 18.8 (13.3–24.2) 46 27.2 (13–41.5)
  Family medicine 102 17.0 (11.2–22.7) 47 17.8 (9.9–25.7) 19 10.2d (3.1–17.2)
  Pediatrics 33 1.6 (.9–2.3) 27 4.3 (2.3–6.2) 1 0.3d (0–1)
  Other board certified 20 1.7d (.5–2.9) 11 2.5d (.5–4.5) 5 1.4d (0–3)

 HIV specialist (HIVMA criteria or AAHIV-S) 865 57.8 (51.2–64.4) 533 71.5 (63.3–79.7) 125 43.2 (32.3–54) <.0001

 HIV patients for whom you provide continuous and direct care .003
  0–20 103 15.1 (9.5–20.7) 38 8.0 (4–12.1) 29 19.4d (5.8–33.1)
  21–50 186 19.6 (14.4–24.8) 98 15.5 (9.7–21.4) 36 26.8 (12.9–40.6)
  51–200 479 39.0 (34.2–43.8) 289 38.4 (31.4–45.3) 72 38.5 (22.1–54.8)
  ≥200 437 26.3 (20.4–32.1) 281 38.0 (30.1–46) 67 15.3 (8.1–22.5)

 Years caring for HIV patients .14
  0–10 427 35.3 (29.9–40.7) 267 37.6 (32.3–43) 59 32.1 (20.1–44.1)
  11–20 428 36.1 (32.1–40.0) 278 41.5 (35.6–47.3) 62 33.6 (24.5–42.8)
  ≥21 365 28.6 (24.6–32.6) 171 20.9 (16.3–25.4) 86 34.3 (21.4–47.1)

 Provides primary caref 1094 83.1 (78.4–87.8) 679 93.8 (89.8–97.8) 163 74.4 (64.4–84.4) <.0001

 Provides care in language other than English 519 38.7 (31.3–46.2) 334 47.9 (37.5–58.4) 76 31.3 (20.8–41.8) .009

Care delivery

 Comanagement of patients with other HIV care providers .02
  Provides expert assistance to less experienced providers 527 36.9 (30.5–43.2) 325 44.1 (36.7–51.5) 77 31.5 (21–42)

  Receives assistance from HIV experts 241 25.3 (19.5–31.0) 156 28.9 (19.7–38.1) 31 21.8d (8.5–35.1) .45

   Caseload of 0–20 patients and receives expert assistance 52 52.2 (38.1–66.4) 24 6.2d (2.2–10.3) 12 9.2d (1.5–16.8) .46
   Caseload of 21–50 patients and receives expert assistance 34 19.0d (7.7–30.3) 23 6.3d (1.1–11.4) 6 2.3 (.0–4.7) .09

   Caseload of >50 patients and receives expert assistance 149 20.6 (14.6–26.6) 105 16.5 (11.1–21.8) 12 10.5d (.0–22.9) .47

 Hours devoted to patient care per week <.0001
  0–19 224 13.3 (11.0–15.7) 150 19.2 (13.4–25) 16 6.5d (2.3–10.7)
  20–29 184 12.5 (9.1–15.8) 122 15.9 (12.5–19.2) 14 7.7d (1.2–14.1)
  30–39 201 11.4 (7.8–15.1) 143 21.5 (16.3–26.8) 14 2.7d (.7–4.8)
  ≥40 614 62.8 (56.5–69.0) 304 43.4 (37.3–49.5) 164 83.1 (75–91.2)

 Accepting new patients 1149 93.5 (90.7–96.4) 684 96.1 (94.6–97.7) 191 94 (89.8–98.2) .28

 No. of patients able to care for in 5 y .60
  Fewer or no patients 146 11.5 (8.0–15.1) 79 11.2 (7.5–14.9) 23 7.8 (3.7–12)
  Same number of patients 371 29.3 (24.7–33.9) 210 30.5 (24.3–36.6) 68 29.9 (18.6–41.1)
  More patients 708 59.1 (53.0–65.2) 430 58.3 (52.3–64.4) 117 62.3 (50.6–74)

 Will leave practice within 5 y 122 9.4 (6.7–12.2) 65 11.1 (6.3–15.8) 12 3.5 (.9–6.2) .0004
 Practices at a facility that:

  Uses an electronic medical record 759 62.2 (48.9–75.5) 456 55.0 (38.3–71.8) 117 63.2 (42.4–84) .46

  Utilizes an integrated team 874 54.1 (45.6–62.6) 638 89.3 (85.1–93.5) 37 14.9 (6.7–23.1) NA

  Provides on-site case management 850 50.8 (41.5–60.1) 636 90.4 (85.9–94.8) 41 16.0d (0–34.3) <.0001

  Provides on-site adherence counseling 927 54.2 (43.9–64.6) 670 92.1 (87.5–96.8) 81 29.7 (20.8–38.5) NA

  Provides on-site mental health services 799 45.1 (36.8–53.4) 614 80.2 (75–85.5) 23 5.6d (0–11.4) NA

  Provides on-site substance abuse treatment 433 23.5 (17.3–29.6) 347 46.3 (34–58.6) 8 1.4d (0–2.9) <.0001

 >50% of patients are:

  Nonwhite 907 62.0 (48.6–75.4) 618 83.8 (74.6–93.1) 92 42.6 (28.6–56.6) <.0001

  Women 60 6.3 (2.7–9.8) 41 7.3d (2.9–11.6) 5 3.6d (0–8.9) .36

  Men who have sex with men 563 47.6 (37.1–58.0) 268 35.5 (25.9–45.1) 140 55.6 (40.9–70.4) .002

  Injecting drug users 35 2.9d (.0–6.7) 31 7.3d (0–16.6) 0 NA NA NA

Abbreviations: AAHIV-S, American Academy of HIV Medicine Practicing HIV Specialist; CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HIVMA, HIV Medicine Association; NA, not applicable; RWHAP, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.


Excludes providers who worked at facilities that were both RWHAP-funded and private practices (n = 61) or neither (n = 132) or for whom RWHAP funding status was not ascertained (n = 107).


Values exclude “don’t know” responses.


Percentages of providers who worked at facilities that received RWHAP funding among 1127 providers at facilities with known RWHAP funding status.


Coefficient of variation is >.30; estimate may be unreliable.


Physicians (Doctor of Medicine [MD] and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine [DO]) who were board certified in infectious diseases and another specialty were classified as infectious diseases physicians.


Defined as point of first contact and comprehensive care, with emphasis on prevention and coordination of care.