(A) The schematic map of SGI1. The predicted AcaCD-dependent promoters are indicated by vertical arrows. Orfs S001-S044 represented by horizontal arrows are numbered, the complex integron region In104 is indicated above the graph. Left and right direct repeats are shown as white boxes. Color code of gene functions: green—recombination, black—replication, blue—regulator, yellow—conjugation, red—antibiotic resistance, grey—unknown. (B) Determination of the target site of FlhDCSGI1 activator in Pxis promoter region. The graph shows the promoter activities of the truncated Pxis regions measured by the β-galactosidase assay in the presence of FlhDCSGI1 or AcaCD. Coordinates and sequence of the promoter region in the tester plasmids are shown below the graph. The functional domains of Pxis determined previously are underlined and indicated below the sequence, the conserved core of AcaCD-binding site is shown as bold, TSS is marked with uppercase. (C) Activation of five SGI1 promoters containing predicted AcaCD-binding site by FlhDCSGI1 and AcaCD. The activators were expressed from p15A-based producer plasmids pGMY6 and pJKI888, while the empty vector pJKI88 was applied as negative control.