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. 2015 Aug 25;25:95–106. doi: 10.1007/8904_2015_483

Table 1.

Characteristics and individual GLA mutations at baseline for the 15 patients enrolled in the study

Patient number (random) GLA gene mutation Associated phenotype, as reported in the literature Reference Age categorya Duration of Fabry disease (years)b Leukocyte α-Gal A activity (U/mg)/plasma α-Gal A activity (U/mL)
1 358Edel Classic Blanch et al. (1996) B 11.5 0.9/1.0
2 c.256delT Classic Topaloglu et al. (1999) C 14.1 NA/1.0
3 c.717_718delAA Classic Blanch et al. (1996) E NA 0.1/0.0
4 R220X Classic Meaney et al. (1994) C 10.0 1.4c/NA
5 D322E Classic Lee et al. (2010) E 2.7 NA/NA
6 NA D 18.8 3.5c/NA
7 R227Q Classic Eng et al. (1993) C 11.6 6.8c/0.1
8 C56X Classic Shabbeer et al. (2006) A 8.1 NA/NA
9 g.IVS4+919G>A Late onset Chien et al. (2013) and Eng et al. (1994) A 5.9 5.1c/NA
10 R112C Classic Shabbeer et al. (2006) C 3.1 0.4/0.2
11 C202Y Classic Eng et al. (1997) E 1.9 NA/0.1
12 R227Q Classic Eng et al. (1993) D 8.6 0.1/0.1
13 R112H Late onset Chien et al. (2013) and Eng et al. (1994) B 10.7 1.7c/0.1
14 R227Q Classic Eng et al. (1993) B 8.3 0.1/0.1
15 R301X Classic Eng et al. (1994) F 13.2 ND/0.4
Mean (SD) 28.5 (16.1) 9.2 (4.7)d
Median (range) 24.0 (5–61) 9.3 (1.9–18.8)

α-Gal A α-galactosidase A, NA not available, ND not detectable, SD standard deviation

aAge was calculated from the date of birth to the date of the first study infusion of agalsidase beta. To protect patients’ data privacy, age categories are used: A, >0 to ≤10 years; B, >10 to ≤20 years; C, >20 to ≤30 years; D, >30 to ≤40 years; E, >40 to ≤50 years; F, >50 years

bDuration of Fabry disease was calculated from the date of initial diagnosis of Fabry disease to the date of the first study infusion

cIn nmol/h/mg protein

d n = 14; the date of diagnosis was not available for one patient