RBM24 suppresses the growth and metastasis of NPC tumors in vivo. (a) Kaplan–Meier survival curves of overall survival duration based on RBM24 expression in the nude mice that were treated with or without doxycycline. (b) Upper: representative images of macroscopic lung metastases; the arrowheads indicate the metastatic nodes. Lower: representative H&E staining of the lung metastatic tumors is shown. (c) Quantification of the average number of metastatic nodes on the surfaces of the lungs (the data are presented as the mean±S.D., Student's t-test). (d) The growth curve indicates that the growth of 5-8 F Tet-Off-inducible RBM24-stable cells was suppressed in vivo after the removal of doxycycline (n=8 per group, the data are presented as the mean±S.D., **P<0.01, Student's t-test). (e) Representative images of xenograft tumors in nude mice after treatment with or without doxycycline. (f) The terminal tumor weight was measured for each group. Representative tumor sizes are shown (the data are presented as the mean±SD, **P<0.01, Student's t-test). (g) Upper: Pearson correlation analysis of the RBM24, miR-25 and MALAT1 RNA levels in the freshly xenografted tumors, as represented by Pearson R scores (n=16, R<0 denotes negative correlation). Lower: the relative levels of RBM24 protein in the freshly xenografted tumors, as determined by immunoblotting. (h) Model of RBM24-induced modulation of the stability and tumorigenesis of MALAT1 by miR-25