Kaplan-Meier estimates for overall survival (OS) (n=125) according to different comorbidity scores [P-values; log-rank test]. (A) Overall survival (OS) according to the IMWG score assessed with our MM patient cohort showed improved OS for patients classified as fit (low-risk) or intermediate-fit (intermediate-risk) vs. those determined frail (high-risk)4. OS for the fit and intermediate-fit group was slightly, but insignificantly different. (B) OS according to the R-MCI showed improved survival of fit (low-risk) vs. intermediate-fit or frail (high-risk) patients. Differences between these 3 groups of fit, intermediate-fit and frail patients were more distinct compared to the IMWG score.4 (C–E) OS according to the CCI,12 dividing patients into two groups with CCI <2 vs. CCI ≥2 comorbidities, revealed significant OS differences, which were more pronounced than fit vs. frail patients assessed via HCT-CI (D) or Kaplan-Feinstein (E).