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Table 2.

Results of multilevel modelling of the difference in score between DCS and PDPAI

Empty model Women‐level model Final model
Fixed effects
Woman level
 Intercept −0.013 (0.062)  0.141 (0.136)  0.157 (0.178)
 Age (centred to 55 years)  0.004 (0.007)  0.005 (0.007)
 Number of years since the last menstrual period (centred to 6 years) −0.011 (0.007) −0.009 (0.007)
 University degree  0.152 (0.090)  0.151 (0.087)
 MenQoL vasomotor  0.156 (0.104)  0.160 (0.103)
 Doctor does not give control over treatment  0.282 (0.080)**  0.286 (0.078)**
 Myself and my doctor made the decision −0.245 (0.095)* −0.256 (0.096)**
 Undecided about the best choice for me after counselling session with doctor  0.275 (0.099)**  0.257 (0.098)**
 Doctor's undecided about the quality of the decision the woman made −0.210 (0.097)* −0.198 (0.098)*
 Visit's length <30 min −0.132 (0.092) −0.186 (0.083)*
 Visit's length >30 min  0.009 (0.106) −0.016 (0.097)
Doctor level
 Age (centred to 45 years)  0.015 (0.006)*
 Certified by CFPC  0.158 (0.129)
 Intervention decision aid −0.116 (0.107)
 Usual prescribing pattern of HT −0.194 (0.125)
Random effects
Variation Est. d.f. χ 2 Est. d.f. χ 2 Est. d.f. χ 2
 Between doctors parameter variance 0.088 39 92.6 0.084 39 94.2 0.075 35 79.0
 Within doctors parameter variance 0.265 0.227 0.228
 Total 0.354 0.311 0.304
 Reliability 0.561 0.585 0.560

CFPC, College of Family Doctors of Canada; DCS, Decisional Conflict Scale; Est., estimate; HT, hormone therapy; MenQoL, measure quality of life at menopause; PDPAI, Provider Decision Process Assessment Instrument.

*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.