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Table 3.

Stakeholder agreement with project findings

% Agreed Statement
74 Rural women with breast cancer have difficulties accessing high quality information in a timely manner
84 Rural women with breast cancer have difficulties accessing peer and professional support in a timely manner
68 Rural women with breast cancer have difficulties accessing appropriate medical and nursing services
85 Rural women with breast cancer have more difficulties than do urban women accessing high quality information, peer and professional support, and medical and nursing services
81 Dealing with social isolation is a major problem for rural women with breast cancer
97 Having to travel for treatment is a major problem for rural women with breast cancer
89 Inadequate financial programs create a major burden for rural women with breast cancer
83 Coping with a changed work life is a major problem for rural women with breast cancer
98 Standardized, and locally sensitive, information packages should be made consistently available to women with breast cancer in all regions of Canada
98 Systems need to be developed to better help newly diagnosed breast cancer patients living in rural areas navigate the health care system
93 Systems need to be put into place to ease the financial burden for rural women with breast cancer