Pain |
Mr Smith has very little or no pain, and it is easily controlled by medication |
Mr Smith has a bearable amount of pain and it is moderately well controlled by medication |
Mr Smith has a great deal of pain much of the time, and it is not well controlled by medication, or the side effects of the medication to control pain are very unpleasant |
Mood |
He hardly ever feels tense, worried, irritable, sad, or depressed (only once or twice a month or even less) |
He feels tense, worried, irritable, sad, or depressed sometimes (only once or twice a week) |
He feels tense, worried, irritable, sad or depressed much of the time (almost every day) |
Sexual function |
His ability to have sex and enjoy it has been affected very little by his condition |
His ability to have sex and enjoy it has been affected a fair amount by his condition |
His ability to have sex and enjoy it has been affected very much by his condition |
Bladder and bowel function |
He rarely has difficulties or problems with urinating or bowel function (only once or twice a month or even less) |
He has occasional difficulties or problems with urinating or bowel function (only once or twice a week) |
He has frequent difficulties or problems with urinating or bowel function (almost every day) |
Fatigue/energy |
He is able to do most of his usual activities nearly all of the time. He is not overly tired and his energy is pretty good |
He has some difficulty doing his usual activities. He does less than before, and he is tired quite a bit of the time. He needs some assistance with some daily activities (e.g. dressing, washing, using the toilet) |
He has a lot of trouble doing most usual activities, both at work and at home. He needs a lot of assistance with many daily activities (e.g. dressing, washing, using the toilet). He is very tired much of the time and he spends a lot of time resting |
Appetite |
Usually good |
Sometimes poor |
Usually poor |