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Table Box 1  .

The diversity of meanings of patient‐centred care

‘Patient‐centred care, yes, what does it mean? I think my role is to find out’
Health agency, chief officer
If it's not a relationship, if it's not a partnership between professional and patient, it's not going work, the patient is not at the centre … the professionals brings the technical expertise, and what the patient brings is the individual experience. You need both to be acknowledged to make it successful for the patient
Patients’ organization officer
‘I keep them informed’
Senior officer of a medical Royal College
‘Patient‐centred care involves engendering confidence in me and having a relationship with a patient’
Senior officer of a medical Royal College
‘You need to ask people. Care may be provided with the patients’ best interests in mind, and with the best will in the world, but if you don't ask them how do you know'?
User group organization officer
‘They have to be able to tell their story. The system needs to be designed around the people, not around professional organizations’
Patients’ organization officer