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Table 4.

 Univariate statistics for interest in seeking written medicine information

Independent variables Interested Not interested P‐value
n % n %
Disease state*
 Hypertension 61 23.3 201 76.7 <0.001
 Pain/rheumatology 90 41.5 127 58.5
Coping style*
 Blunter 43 36.1 76 63.9 0.509
 Monitor 68 40.7 99 59.3
Health literacy*
 Inadequate/marginal 10 14.1 61 85.9 <0.001
 Adequate 117 40.2 174 59.8
 Male 56 28.0 144 72.0 0.192
 Female 95 34.1 184 65.9
 ≤60 years 77 42.8 103 57.2 0.001
 ≥61 years 74 24.7 225 75.3
Country of birth*
 Australia 103 33.6 204 66.4 0.241
 Overseas 48 27.9 124 72.1
Main language spoken at home*
 English 132 33.8 259 66.2 0.036
 Other 19 21.6 69 78.4
Highest level of education*
 ≤Primary 15 17.2 72 82.8 0.003
 ≥Secondary 133 34.2 256 65.8
 White‐collar 103 35.4 188 64.6 0.016
 Blue‐collar 22 20.4 86 79.6
 Homemaker 24 32.0 51 68.0
Employment status*
 Working 45 42.9 60 57.1 0.007
 Not working 106 28.3 268 71.7
Health locus of control
 Internal HLC Median 25
IQR 22–28 Median 26
IQR 23–28 0.282
 Chance HLC Median 18.5
IQR 15–22 Median 20
IQR 16–24 0.033
 Powerful other HLC Median 22
IQR 17–26 Median 24
IQR 21–28 <0.001
Number of medications† Median 4
IQR 2–6 Median 4 
IQR 3–6 0.390
Duration of disease (years)† Median 10
IQR 4–20 Median 9
IQR 3–20 0.166

*Chi‐square test; Mann–Whitney U‐test, HLC, health locus of control.