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Table 2.

 Structural sample composition

Focus group Number of people and gender Age (years) Profession1 Time with the disease/ time within the process (years) Clinical condition
Group 1: DM1 Granada 4 women
3 men 16–65 Women:
1 housewife
1 untrained worker
1 full‐time employee (service sector) 
1 liberal professional (education) 
1 student
1 full time employee (service sector) 
1 liberal professional (business man) 2 people <2
2 people between 2 and 5
2 people between 5 and 10
1 person >10 4 people well controlled and without any complications
3 people with difficulties in controlling their condition but without complications
Group 2: DM2 Granada 4 women
4 men 50–80 Women: 
2 housewives
1 full‐time employee (service sector), retired
1 liberal professional (civil servant) Men: 
2 untrained workers, retired
1 full‐time employee (service sector)
1 liberal professional (business man) 2 people <2
2 people between 2 and 10
2 people between 10 and 15
2 people >15 4 people well controlled and without any complications
2 people with difficulties in controlling their condition but without complications
2 people with difficulties in controlling their condition and presenting the first complications
Group 3 DM1 Seville 4 women
4 men 18–65 Women: 
1 housewife
1 untrained worker
1 full‐time employee (service sector)
1 liberal professional (business woman) 
1 student
1 untrained worker (construction) 
1 full‐time employee (service sector) 
1 liberal professional (business man) 2 people <2
2 people between 2 and 5
2 people between 5 and 10
2 people>10 4 people well controlled and without any complications
4 people with difficulties in controlling their condition but without complications
Group 4: DM2 Seville 4 women
4 men 50–80 Women: 
2 housewives
1 full‐time employee (service sector) 
1 liberal professional (civil servant), retired 
1 untrained worker
2 full‐time employee (service sector) 
1 liberal professional (business man), retired 2 people <2
2 people between 2 and 10
2 people between 10 and 15
2 people >15 3 people well controlled and without any complications
3 people with difficulties in controlling their condition but without complications
2 people with difficulties in controlling their condition and presenting the first complications

1Considering the profession as an indicator of social class, as identified by the Clasificación Nacional de Ocupaciones [Spanish National Occupational Classification] (Álvarez Dardet C, Alonso J, Domingo A, Regidor E. La medición de la clase social en ciencias de la salud. Barcelona [The measuring of social class in health sciences]: SG Editores, 1995).