Id2-dependent transcriptional regulation of Olig2 involves Notch
effector Hey1. A, Olig2 luciferase reporter activity in NSC (v) and NSC
(Id2−/−); *, P
< 0.01 determined by the t test. Data, mean ±
SD of three independent experiments plated in triplicate and normalized to
constitutively expressed Renilla luciferase. B, Olig2
luciferase reporter activity in NSC (v) and NSC (Id2); *, P
< 0.01 analyzed using a t test. Data, mean ± SD
of three independent experiments plated in triplicate normalized to
constitutively expressed Renilla. C, Olig2 mRNA during
differentiation time course in NSC (v) and NSC (Id2) determined by qPCR; *,
P < 0.05 determined by the t test.
Data, mean ± SD of two independent experiments PCR amplified in
triplicate. D, Olig2 luciferase reporter activity in NSC(v) and NSC
(Id2−/−) transfected with vector
or NICD; *,P< 0.05. Data, mean±SD of three
independent experiments plated in triplicate normalized to constitutively
expressed Renilla. E, expression of the Olig2 luciferase
reporter transfected with the indicated expression constructs; *,
P < 0.05. Data, mean ± SD of three
independent experiments plated in triplicate normalized to constitutively
expressed Renilla. F, Hey1 ChIP from NSC (v), NSC
(Id2−/−), or NSC (Hey1) 3 days
after induction of differentiation. ChIP DNA fragments were PCR amplified with
primers corresponding to the Olig2 promoter; *, P <
0.01. Data, mean ± SD of five independent experiments. G, Olig2
luciferase reporter expression from NSC (v), Hey1-expressing, or Id2- and
Hey1-coexpressing NSCs 3 days after serum-induced differentiation; *,
P < 0.01. Data, mean ± SD of two
independent experiments plated in triplicate normalized to constitutively
expressed Renilla.