Fig. 4.
The effect of EGF on PIP3 accumulation in MCF10a cells grown in the presence or absence of arachidonate supplement. (A) Cells were incubated with or without 14.8 μM arachidonate for 24 h (including 6 h starvation) before stimulation with 2 ng/ml EGF or vehicle for 90 s. Data is shown for each PIP3 species corrected for amount of C36:1 phosphatidylserine in the same sample (mean ± SEM, n = 3). Inset displays total combined species of PIP3 under each condition. PIP3/PIP2 (B), PIP2/PI (C) and PIP/PI (D) ratios calculated from experiments described in panel A. Levels of PIP3 and PIP2 for C38:2 species under archidonate loading conditions were too low to obtain accurate PIP3/PIP2 calculations and were thus omitted.