Fig 8. Phosphorylation of RSK2 in vivo.
Densitometric quantification of RSK2 phosphorylation at Ser227, Thr365, Ser386 and Thr577 after 5 min stimulation with TXA2-analogue U46619 (1 μM) in the presence or absence of the MEK inhibitor U0126 (10 μM) or PDK1 inhibitor GSK2334471 (10μM) normalized to total RSK2 in mouse aortae. Arrows indicate the position of the total RSK2 band in the pSer227 and pThr577 immunoblots. The higher bands likely reflect other RSK isoforms not detected by the specific total RSK antibody, e.g. the anti-pSer227 RSK2 antibody is claimed to be broadly reactive with Ser227 phosphorylated Rsk family proteins and the anti-pThr577 antibody detects RSK1 and RSK 2 and these 2 isoforms differ by 2,099 amino acids in the mouse. (A) Western Blot analysis. (B) Bar-graph summary from three experiments. Rest values are taken as 1. Values shown are means ± S.E.M. * p<0.03, rest compared to U46619 stimulation; # p<0.02, rest compared to MEK inhibitor U0126 pretreatment; ## p<0.02, U46619 stimulation compared to MEK inhibitor U0126; * * p<0.03 U46619 stimulation compared to PDK inhibitor GSK2334471.