Figure 2.
Simulated exposure using a 3.5‐fold dose multiplier between PP1M and PP3M based on a fit‐for‐purpose model built on single dose interim PK data from Phase I. This scenario simulates switching 100 mg‐eq. PP1M to 350 mg‐eq. PP3M vs. 100 mg‐eq. PP1M maintenance therapy. The lines/shaded‐hatched areas represent the model‐based median/90% prediction interval. 150/100 mg‐eq. injections on days 1/8 in the deltoid muscle is the recommended initiation regimen for PP1M. This was followed by 100 mg‐eq. PP1M on weeks 5, 9 and 13. Starting at week 17, a fixed dose of PP3M (350 mg‐eq.) or PP1M (100 mg‐eq.) were simulated