Figure 3.
AZD8529 specifically blocks cue-induced alcohol seeking. (a) Mean number of non-reinforced lever presses (±SEM) during the 30-min test for cue-induced reinstatement following either saline or AZD8529 treatment (20 or 40 mg/kg) (n=10 by groups) (*p<0.01 compared with vehicle, #p<0.001 compared with extinction). (b) Genotyping of the SNP of rGrm2–5340 (G/T) in P rats (n=16) and Wistar rats (n=32). (c) Mean number of non-reinforced lever presses (±SEM) during the 30 min test for cue-induced reinstatement following either saline or AZD8529 treatment (40 mg/kg) in Wistar rats (n=10 by groups) and P rats (n=8 by groups) (*p<0.01, #p<0.001). (d) Mean number of non-reinforced lever presses (±SEM) during the 30-min test for stress-induced reinstatement following either saline or AZD8529 treatment (20 or 40 mg/kg) (n=10, 11 by groups) (#p<0.001 compared with extinction).