Hierarchical distribution of a priori wild boar subpopulations into the genetic clusters inferred using STRUCTURE. Results are presented for consecutively less inclusive runs (a–h). Each individual is represented by a vertical line; a thin black line separates genotypes from different subpopulations. The parameters of each STRUCTURE run are given above the representative STRUCTURE plot. DinBlk, Dinaric Balkans; PerBlk, Peridinaric Balkans; SC_Blk, South Central Balkans; Cnt_Slo, Continental Slovenia; Lit_Slo, Littoral Slovenia; So_Pan, South Pannonia; CW_Ibe, Central-western Iberia; No_Por, North Portugal; So_Por, South Portugal; Ca_LMa, Castilla la Mancha; Gal, Galicia; Ext, Extremadura; And, Andalusia; Ctl_Prz, Castelporziano; CW_Ita, Central-western Italy; NW_Ita, North-western Italy; Alps, Alps; Sard, Sardinia; CzR, Czech Republic; Ger, Germany; Rom, Romania; Rom_Sk, Romania and Slovakia; NW_Ibr, North-western Iberia; CS_Ibr, Central South Iberia; Cnt_Eur, Central Europe; CntBlk_EEur, Continental Balkans and Eastern Europe.