Figure 3.
Matrix of genetic differentiation (pairwise FST) for 14 a posteriori-defined wild boar subpopulations in Europe. Colour gradient represents the degree of genetic differentiation: low for FST<0.05, moderate for 0.05<FST<0.15, high for 0.15<FST<0.25 and very high for FST>0.25, according to the criterion for genetic differentiation by Wright (1978). DinBlk, Dinaric Balkans; PerBlk, Peridinaric Balkans; SC_Blk, South Central Balkans; CntBlk_EEur, Continental Balkans and Eastern Europe; Lit_Slo, Littoral Slovenia; CS_Ibr, Central South Iberia; NW_Ibr, North-western Iberia; So_Por, South Portugal; Ctl_Prz, Castelporziano; CW_Ita, Central-western Italy; NW_Ita, North-western Italy; Alps, Alps; Sard, Sardinia; Cnt_Eur, Central Europe.