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. 2016 Jul 20;117(5):348–357. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2016.53

Table 1. Best K number of clusters and a priori subpopulations assigned to each cluster for the three models tested in STRUCTURE.

Model and simulated K Best K (Evanno's method) Clusters at K=3 Clusters at K=7
Admixture+allele frequencies correlated (K=1 to K=17) K=13 (ΔK=117.9) K=3 (ΔK=111.7) K=7 (ΔK=93.3) (1) Balkans+Ctl_Prz+Rom (57%)+CW_Ita (55%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (26%)+Sard (19%) (2) NW_Ita+Alps+CW_Ita (31%)+Rom (26%)+Sard (20%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (19%) (3) Iberia+Domestic Pig+Sard (61%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (55%)+Rom (17%)+CW_Ita (14%) (1) Din_Blk+SC_Blk (49%)+Per_Blk (22%)+So_Pan (10%) (2) Cnt_Slo+So_Pan (69%)+Per_Blk (49%)+SC_Blk (16%)+Ger (10%)+CzR_Sk (15%)+Rom (41%) (3) Ctl_Prz+CW_Ita+Lit Slo+Rom (15%) (4) NW_Ita+Alps+Rom (21%)+Ger (11%) (5) No_Por+Gal+Ca_Ma+Ext+CW_Ibr (68%)+And (61%)+Per_Blk (10%)+Ger (14%) (6) So_Por+Sard+Ger (55%)+CzR_Sk (64%)+CW_Ibr (18%)+And (16%)+SC_Blk (16%) (7) Domestic Pig
No admixture+allele frequencies not correlated (K=1 to K=17) K=2 (ΔK=2085.0) K=3 (ΔK=760.6) K=7 (ΔK=139.2) (1) Balkans+Sard+Ger and CzR_Sk (72%)+Rom (50%) (2) Italy+Rom (34%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (16%) (3) Iberia+Domestic Pig+Rom (16%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (12%) (1) Din_Blk+SC_Blk (46%)+Lit_Slo (53%)+Per_Blk (23%) (2) Cnt_Slo+So_Pan+Per_Blk (58%)+SC_Blk (23%)+Rom (47%) (3) Ctl_Prz+CW_Ita+Lit_Slo (44%) (4) NW_Ita+Alps+Ger (10%)+Rom (22%) (5) No_Por+Gal+Ca_Ma+Ext+CW_Ibr (69%)+And (68%)+Ger (13%) (6) So_Por+Sard+CzR_Sk+Ger (65%)+Rom (25%)+SC_Blk (22%)+CW_Ibr (26%)+And (17%) (7) Domestic Pig
No admixture+allele frequencies correlated (K=1 to K=17) K=7 (ΔK=271.5) K=3 (ΔK=235.6) K=2 (ΔK=163.8) (1) Balkans+Ctl_Prz+Rom (59%)+CW_Ita (52%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (30%)+Sard (23%) (2) NW_Ita+Alps+CW_Ita (37%)+Rom (25%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (15%)+Sard (13%) (3) Iberia+Domestic Pig+Sard (64%)+Ger and CzR_Sk (55%)+ Rom (16%)+CW_Ita (11%) (1) Din_Blk+SC_Blk (50%)+Per_Blk (25%) (2) So_Pan+Cnt_Slo+Per_Blk (56%)+Rom (50%)+ SC_Blk (15%) (3) Ctl_Prz+CW_Ita+Lit Slo+Rom (19%) (4) NW_Ita+Alps+Rom (22%) (5) Ibr except So_Por+Ger (15%) (6) So_Por+Sard+CzR_Sk+Ger (67%)+SC_Blk (24%) (7) Domestic Pig

Abbreviations: Balkans: Cnt_Slo, Continental Slovenia; Din_Blk, Dinaric Balkans; Lit_Slo, Littoral Slovenia; Per_Blk, Peridinaric Balkans; SC_Blk, South and Central Balkans; So_Pan, South Pannonia; Central Europe: CzR_Sk, Czech Republic and Slovakia; Ger, Germany; Rom, Romania; Iberia: And, Andalusia; Ca_Ma, Castilla La Mancha; CW_Ibr, Central-western Iberia; Ext, Extremadura; Gal, Galiza; No_Por, North Portugal; So_Por, South Portugal; Domestic Pig, Iberian domestic pig (Bísaro and Malhado de Alcobaça); Italy: Alps, Alps; Ctl_Prz, Castelporziano; CW_Ita, Central-western Italy; NW_Ita, North-western Italy; Sard, Sardinia.

A priori subpopulations (or groups of populations) established a priori with <75% proportion of genome attributed to a single cluster (K=3 and K=7) are not in bold (if percentage of assignment to that cluster is >10%).