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. 2016 Sep 29;2016:6838976. doi: 10.1155/2016/6838976

Table 2.

Performance metrics.

Measures Description
Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) 20 log10⁡(MAXI) − 10 log10⁡(MSE) Measures quality of image.

Sensitivity or true positive rate (TPR) TPR=TPP=TPTP+FN Measures the ratio between TP and FN.

False positive rate (FPR) FPR=FPN=FPFP+TN=(1-SPC) Measures the ratio between FP and TN.

False negative rate (FNR) FNR=FNTP+FN=(1-TPR) Measures the ratio between FN and TP.

Specificity (SPC) or true negative rate (TNR) SPC=TNN=TNTN+FP Measures the ratio between TN and FP.

Accuracy (ACC) ACC=(TP+TN)TP+FP+FN+TN The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification confirms the correct value or a standard.

Area under curve (AUC) A = ∫ −∞TPR(T)FPR′(T)dT How much system is sensitive to detect the desired output?