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. 2016 Sep 29;2016:3975634. doi: 10.1155/2016/3975634

Table 5.

Correlations between political skill and mentoring scores using Spearman's Rho (N = 74).

Mentored Political skill total score Social astuteness subscale Interpersonal influence subscale Networking ability subscale Apparent sincerity subscale
Mentoring total score .264 .150 .134 .351∗∗ .82
Mentoring subscale:
 (i) Personal and emotional guidance .158 .056 .059 .265 .091
 (ii) Coaching .209 .124 .135 .292 .099
 (iii) Advocacy/sponsorship .242 .178 .121 .280 −.061
 (iv) Career development facilitation .336 .179 .158 .396∗∗ .126
 (v) Role modeling −.018 −.116 −.037 .101 .033
 (vi) Strategies and systems advice .221 .124 .117 .265 .101
 (vii) Learning facilitation .293 .241 .205 .292 .149
 (viii) Friendship .283 .084 .158 .408∗∗ .163

Significant at p < 0.05, small effect size.

∗∗Significant at p < 0.01, moderate effect size.