Figure 1. DESI-MS imaging of necrotic breast cancer tumor.
(a) DESI-MS ion images of the markers detailed in Supplementary Table S1 alongside H&E and Pan-CK immunostained images of the tumor. Here, we also show the merged image of the biomarker ions of m/z 391.25 and m/z 572.48 that characterize the viable and necrotic tissue, respectively. This merged image delineates the entire shape of the tumor tissue. (b) The average DESI-MS spectrum of the viable cancer tissue. (c) The average DESI-MS spectrum of the necrotic region with an inset of the enlarged spectrum at m/z 572.48 to show its isotopic pattern is characteristic of a chlorinated ion. (d) DESI-MS spectrum of healthy mammary fat pad breast tissue, indicating little overlap with the DESI-MS profile of cancerous tissue. The average spectra were obtained from the entire tumor subregions selected as ROI in the HDI software package. The ROI used for averaging are marked with the white dashed lines over the images in (a). The known breast cancer biomarker ions of m/z 281.25 and 303.23 are more abundant in necrotic tissue. The biomarker ion of m/z 331.26 is more abundant in the viable cancer region. The ion of m/z 572.48, absent in the viable cancer tissue, was prominent in the necrotic region, and the ion of m/z 391.25 present in the viable cancer tissue was absent from necrotic regions.