Figure 2. Transmission of maternal vaginal microbes to the gauze.
(a) Principal coordinate analysis of unweighted UniFrac community distances for maternal anal, oral, skin, and vaginal microbiota (n = 95 samples) and gauze (n = 4) microbiota at day one. Vaginal gauze bacteria resemble vaginal communities. Arrows indicate vaginal samples from mothers exposed to antibiotics. (b) Bacterial community distances between gauzes and each maternal body site at day one. Bars indicate standard deviation from the mean. (c) Proportion of gauze samples estimated to originate from different maternal sources using bacterial sourcetracking. Each stacked bar represents a gauze sample from a different mother. Oral samples were not found to be a potential source for any gauze and are not indicated in the legend. (d) Bacterial diversity (Faith’s phylogenetic diversity) of maternal vaginal microbiota in mothers that received (n = 13) or did not receive (n = 5) antibiotics prior to vaginal sampling before delivery. (e) Relative abundance of bacterial genera in the vaginal microbiota in mothers that received (n = 13) or did not receive (n = 5) antibiotics prior to vaginal sampling before delivery.