(A) Schematic summarizing strategy for visualizing target structures using Cre-dependent virus expressing a synaptophysin-mCherry fusion protein. Major VMPOPACAP neuron projection sites are indicated.
(B) Expression of synaptophysin-mcherry (dark) in VMPOPACAP neurons cell bodies at VMPO injection site.
(C) Expression of synaptophysin-mcherry in VMPOPACAP neuron terminals at indicated regions (red squares). Abbreviations: LSV- ventral portion of lateral septum; BNST- bed nucleus of stria terminalis. DMH- dorsomedial hypothalamus; ARC-arcuate nucleus; PVT-paraventricular thalamus; MHb-medial habenula; PVH-paraventricular hypothalamus; vlPAG- ventrolateral periaqueductal gray. Scale bars = 100 µm.