Fig 2. Autopsy requests and consents per hospital ward.
For some of the deceased patients it is unknown whether the clinicians had requested consent for autopsy: from the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) 10, Thoracic surgery/Cardiology and its ICU 7, Neurology/Neurosurgery 2, Medical and Surgical Oncology 3, Internal Medicine 5, Surgery (general and all subspecialties) 2, the Emergency Room 3, Pulmonology 7, Haematology (including haemato-oncology) 1, and the other wards 2. For the overall rates of performed autopsies per ward we divided the number of autopsies actually performed by the total number of deceased patients. Autopsies had to include at least examination of thorax and abdomen. Two autopsies, respectively from the ICU and Cardiology were restricted to a single organ. One autopsy on a case of the emergency room was cancelled, because the next-of-kin were unable to sign the consent form.