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. 2016 Oct 13;11(10):e0164014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164014

Table 3. Mixed effect model fitted for each Thalassia testudinum response variable.

Dependent variable AG biomass SE BG biomass SE Leaf length SE
Constant (Intercept) 870.999*** 103.909 590.232*** 58.586 11.890*** 1.85
Period_rainy -782.78*** 146.949 -312.01*** 82.853 -3.17 2.617
Mixed_salinity -524.50*** 126.248 -274.75*** 71.181 -3.919* 2.248
Oceanic_salinity -71.377 126.248 -34.792 71.181 8.491*** 2.248
Period_rainy:Mixed_salinity 488.668*** 178.541 230.968** 100.665 1.737 3.179
Period_rainy:Oceanic_salinity 319.271* 178.541 237.740** 100.665 -5.773* 3.179
R2 0.466 0.359 0.428
F Statistic 17.092*** 10.955*** 14.669***
Dependent variable Leaf width SE Abundance SE SS-Density SE
Constant (Intercept) 2.800*** 0.748 1.000*** 0.31 142.643* 74.65
Period_rainy 0.45 1.058 0.154 0.44 260.203** 107.58
Mixed_salinity 0.152 0.909 1.120*** 0.38 -31.923 93.24
Oceanic_salinity 4.533*** 0.909 1.800*** 0.37 78.89 90.40
Period_rainy:Mixed_salinity -0.879 1.286 -0.693 0.54 -63.31 131.19
Period_rainy:Oceanic_salinity -1.807 1.286 -0.141 0.53 -87.362 128.89
R2 0.415 0.27 0.135
F Statistic 13.912*** 10.283*** 4.356***

Two factors were used: period and salinity, with two (dry and rainy) and three (brackish, mixed, and oceanic) levels for each one of them, respectively. Also their statistical interactions were examined. Estimates (Standard error) with significant predictors are marked with asterisks (*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01).