A &D. Representative kidney histopathology in transgenic mice of Tg-FVB (A) and homozygous Sub-IV (D) genotypes. The images depict features of the histopathology scores that were close to the average for each group. Focal segmental and global glomerulosclerosis, tubular casts and focal interstitial inflammation were more severe in Sub-IV mice than in Tg-FVB mice (Periodic acid-Schiff, x200). B& C. Severity of renal histopathology in mice heterozygous (B) and homozygous (C) for CAST alleles across congenic segments. HIV-1 transgenic congenic, Sub-III and Sub-IV mice, but not Sub-II mice have statistically significant increased renal injury compared to TgFVB mice (* -p<0.05, ** -p<0.01, *** -p< 1x10-3, **** -p< 1x10-4., E&F. Additive effect of CAST alleles on renal injury in HIV-1 transgenic Sub-III (E) and Sub-IV (F) mice. The traits are shown as mean ± standard errors of mean. Panels E and F show genotypic comparisons for each trait by nonparametric test (Kruskal-Wallis one way ANOVA) with the associated p-values shown to the right of each curve.