Extended Data Figure 1. Stability of fluorescence and overlap.
a, Average normalized mean fluorescence within session. There was no difference between the mean fluorescence across the 3 sessions (one-way repeated measures ANOVA, F2,7 = 0.423, n.s.). b, Average normalized mean fluorescence within session. There was no difference between the mean fluorescence across a 10-minute session (one-way repeated measures ANOVA, F9,22 = 1.108, n.s.). Results show mean +/− s.d. c, Higher ensemble overlap with 5h interval than 7d. Normalized ensemble overlap is calculated as the ensemble overlap between contexts separated by 5h divided by the ensemble overlap between contexts separated by 7d. A normalized overlap value of 1 signifies that there is no difference between the overlap at 5h and 7d. The minimum number of calcium events required from each cell for the cell to be considered “active” (inclusion criteria) was systematically increased and the ratio of the ensemble overlap for the different context was calculated. For all inclusion criteria, there is higher ensemble overlap with a 5h than 7d interval (one-sample t-test against 1,(1) t7 = 3.00, p=0.02, (2) t7 = 2.57, p=0.04, (3) t7 = 2.42, p=0.04, (4) t7 = 2.50, p=0.04, (5) t7 = 2.32, p=0.05. Results show mean +/− sem.