TACC family members are differentially expressed during embryonic development. Cell type–specific expression of TACC mRNAs shown by whole-mount in situ hybridization using full-length antisense probes to TACC1, TACC2, and TACC3. TACC1 is expressed uniformly at the late blastula stage (A), in somites, neural tube, and hindbrain at stage 23 (B), and in somites, eye, and anterior neural tube at stage 34 (C, D). TACC2 expression is similar to that of TACC1 at the blastula stage (E) and also increases in a tissue-specific manner after neurulation, apparent in the neural tube, early brain, and presomitic mesoderm at stage 23 (F). At stage 34, TACC2 is expressed in the somitic mesoderm, the ocular lens, and the anterior neural tube (G, H). Arrows in D and H indicate somitic mesoderm. TACC3 expression resembles that of TACC1 and TACC2 at the blastula stage (I), but its expression becomes more neural specific by stage 23, showing expression along the entire length of the neural tube, although strongest anteriorly near the brain (J). At stage 34, TACC3 is strongly expressed in the pharyngeal arches (L, arrows), otic vesicle, and trunk neural crest (K, L). Neural tube and trunk neural crest are indicated by the box in L. Scale bars, 150 μm.