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. 2016 May 20;19(16):2991–2998. doi: 10.1017/S1368980016001130

Table 2.

Association of dietary selenium intake with total and cause-specific mortality in the Shanghai Women’s Health Study (SWHS; 1997–2000) and the Shanghai Men’s Health Study (SMHS; 2002–2006)

Quintile category
1 2 3 4 5
Cause of death HR 95 % CI HR 95 % CI HR 95 % CI HR 95 % CI HR 95 % CI P for trend*
All causes
Median (µg/4184 kJ (1000 kcal) per d) 15·86 21·16 25·18 30·02 42·22
No. of deaths/person-years 1863/199 978 1285/203 892 1033/204 976 892/205 253 676/205 437
Model 1 1·00 Reference 0·94 0·88, 1·01 0·89 0·82, 0·96 0·85 0·79, 0·93 0·76 0·69, 0·83 <0·0001
Model 2§ 1·00 Reference 0·96 0·89, 1·03 0·92 0·84, 1·00 0·90 0·82, 0·99 0·79 0·71, 0·88 <0·0001
No. of deaths/person-years 648/199 978 390/203 892 303/204 976 235/205 253 176/205 437
Model 1 1·00 Reference 0·90 0·79, 1·02 0·85 0·74, 0·97 0·76 0·65, 0·89 0·71 0·60, 0·84 <0·0001
Model 2§ 1·00 Reference 0·94 0·82, 1·07 0·93 0·80, 1·08 0·87 0·73, 1·03 0·80 0·66, 0·98 0·0268
No. of deaths/person-years 708/199 978 559/203 892 482/204 976 451/205 253 354/205 437
Model 1 1·00 Reference 1·00 0·89, 1·12 0·97 0·86, 1·09 0·98 0·87, 1·11 0·87 0·76, 0·99 0·0326
Model 2§ 1·00 Reference 1·02 0·90, 1·14 1·00 0·87, 1·14 1·02 0·89, 1·17 0·90 0·77, 1·05 0·1539
All causes
Median (µg/4184 kJ (1000 kcal) per d) 16·46 21·33 25·09 29·72 41·7
No. of deaths/person-years 1136/98 122 885/98 995 819/99 583 745/100 137 632/101 936
Model 1 1·00 Reference 0·86 0·78, 0·93 0·82 0·75, 0·90 0·79 0·72, 0·87 0·77 0·70, 0·85 <0·0001
Model 2§ 1·00 Reference 0·91 0·83, 0·99 0·86 0·78, 0·95 0·82 0·73, 0·91 0·79 0·70, 0·89 0·0001
No. of deaths/person-years 433/98 122 302/98 995 253/99 583 235/100 137 179/101 936
Model 1 1·00 Reference 0·78 0·67, 0·90 0·68 0·58, 0·80 0·68 0·58, 0·80 0·61 0·51, 0·72 <0·0001
Model 2§ 1·00 Reference 0·85 0·73, 1·00 0·75 0·63, 0·89 0·73 0·61, 0·88 0·66 0·54, 0·82 0·0002
No. of deaths/person-years 432/98 122 366/98 995 356/99 583 325/100 137 319/101 936
Model 1 1·00 Reference 0·92 0·80, 1·05 0·92 0·80, 1·05 0·88 0·76, 1·02 0·98 0·85, 1·13 0·8311
Model 2§ 1·00 Reference 0·95 0·82, 1·10 0·94 0·81, 1·10 0·90 0·76, 1·06 0·97 0·81, 1·15 0·7802

HR, hazard ratio.


P values for trend were estimated by assigning the median intake value for the quintile to each person and including this as a continuous variable in the model.

Dietary intakes were adjusted for energy intake using the nutrient density method and expressed as per μg/4184 kJ (1000 kcal) per d.

Adjusted for age and total energy intake.


Adjusted for age, birth cohort, education, income, marital status, occupation, BMI, physical activity, total energy intake, dietary fat intake, supplement use, smoking status, drinking status, status with regard to a history of hypertension, diabetes, CHD or stroke, family history of cancer and menopausal status (women only).